Saumya Mehta

Saumya Mehta published 2 applications on Google Play, 22 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.50!

Listkeeper by Saumya MehtaListkeeper

Rated 0.00(0) — Saumya Mehta

You need to sign in with your google account in order to sync your data across the devices.Click on tap to sign in button to sign in.Now you can add your tasks in the app.Perform the following steps:1.) Click on add a drop button to add an item to the...

Free App
Wake Up by Saumya MehtaWake Up

Rated 5.00(22) — Saumya Mehta

It includes the features of basic alarm. New features are the proximity sensor usage and another is the use of shake services.Two ways to stop your alarms:1.) For crazy mode, you need to solve the math puzzle and shake the device as many times as the...

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