Sathish B.E (CSE)

Sathish B.E (CSE) published 4 applications on Google Play, 62 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.14!

Sathish Utility by Sathish B.E (CSE)Sathish Utility

Rated 4.20(5) — Sathish B.E (CSE)

This is generally a combination of multiple apps merged into one single app. This app contains the following:> Paint> Email> Personal Diary> Hexaphone> Type and Listen> Oscilloscope> Color Clock> MultiTouch Tester Do check out the Sub Menus for more...

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Titlez by Sathish B.E (CSE)Titlez

Rated 4.65(26) — Sathish B.E (CSE)

This android application provides you the following features:- Lets you buy books online and quick delivery at your doorstep.- If books are not found in the list, you can request for a particular book with exact information using "Request books" Option...

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SJBIT Alumni by Sathish B.E (CSE)SJBIT Alumni

Rated 4.23(13) — Sathish B.E (CSE)

It includes the best UI with the usage of the Material design with smooth usage for the users.

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Rated 3.50(18) — Sathish B.E (CSE)

SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore conducting the college Fest on17th & 18th of April. VARCHASVA.. Marking excellent Events and lots of Lots of Prizes for the talented Studs.Never Ever Miss the DJ Night which is Coming Up foR to Rock the Real Music...

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