Saso Nikolov - Android Applications by Saso Nikolov
Add expense and a base cost. The quick button add one purchase. Same expense but different price? No problem. Use the set-Button and add a one time price to trackt the purchase. You can see always immediately. How much spent:- today- month- today for...
Free AppThis App was made by a group of Official RapidShare Reseller. You can upload files from your device and download your files to your device.Keep your files always with you. Just one click away.Downloaded files are stored on your mobile and redownload...
Free AppStarten und sofort mit Leuten in deiner Nähe chatten.Ideal um neue Bekanntschaften zu machen.Neu in der Stadt? Dann frag doch einfach nette Leute, wo was los ist.Wir sind in Testphase und freuen uns über jedes Feedback. And immediately start chatting...
Free App* keine Leerzeichen oder Bindestrische eingeben ** Ja, nur für Produkte aus Deutschland (DE) *Veterinärkontrollnummer finder. Wollen Sie wissen welche Marke sich hinter dem Gützeichen verbirgt?Geben Sie die Nummer ein und erfahren Sie welcher Markenherste
Free AppAre you working on various projects on the same day? Keep track of the time required per project. With a simple click you can switch to acquire time from one project to another.It is a bit ugly but just right for time recording of various work projects...
Free AppDisplays your current monthly income. For each second.Voices of the People:"My life has totally changed. Since I have the app, I finally see what I'm worth. At every second" F from M."I can finally show my employees how much its breaks cost me. I just...
Free AppTodos/Task können direkt in die Todo-Liste eingetragen werden. Erstelle Todolisten und entscheide welche Tasks aus der Liste in die Todo-Liste übernommen werden sollen.Damit kannst du deine Todos sammeln ohne den Überblick zu verlieren, welchen Task...
Free AppCreate your own news magazine. Let them be read aloud for you. Everywhere. On your way to work or during your morning bath session. You also can only read the feeds. Add any RSS-Feed. Voice of reading will be adjusted to the feed language.- loud reading..
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