
SanLike published 3 applications on Google Play, 96 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.32!

SimpleVolume (volume setting) by SanLikeSimpleVolume (volume setting)

Rated 4.23(26) — SanLike

You can set the status bar to quickly switch modes (usually silent vibration), the volume setting.For example, if you operate the music player, games and silent vibration settings, or have never made a sound becomes embarrassing? You can change to full...

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SwitchRotation[Free]WindowLock by SanLikeSwitchRotation[Free]WindowLock

Rated 4.02(63) — SanLike

Can be switched from the status bar to switch from an automatic screen rotation.Because it is accessible from the status bar, you can quickly be switched at any time.For example, access is possible even during operation Brotha Internet, time to move...

Free App
SwitchRotation[Advance] by SanLikeSwitchRotation[Advance]

Rated 4.71(7) — SanLike

Can be switched from the status bar to switch from an automatic screen rotation.Because it is accessible from the status bar, you can quickly be switched at any time.For example, access is possible even during operation Brotha Internet, time to move...
