
SampathG published 9 applications on Google Play, 1,022 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.89!

ASCII Converter by SampathGASCII Converter

Rated 3.82(157) — SampathG

This tool allows you to convert ASCII characters to their binary, decimal, or hexadecimal values.You can convert characters on the fly and it allows you to copy the converted data so you can use them on other Android applications.ASCII Converter is now...

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Green Footprint Calculator by SampathGGreen Footprint Calculator

Rated 1.59(29) — SampathG

Taking simple steps like lowering your thermostat you can scale back on energy use & reduce your carbon footprint.This application allows you to measure your carbon footprint using simple sources like your electricity bill and aid you in your efforts...

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My Weight On Planet by SampathGMy Weight On Planet

Rated 4.44(34) — SampathG

Every object in the universe with mass attracts every other object with mass. The amount of attraction depends on the mass of those objects and how far apart they are. For everyday-sized objects, this gravitational pull is very small small, but the pull..

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Verses from Holy Bible (Full) by SampathGVerses from Holy Bible (Full)

Rated 4.28(74) — SampathG

This application displays verses from the Holy Bible on top a selected set of beautiful images capturing the wonders of our lord's creations.This is the fully featured version of 'Verses form the Holy Bible' - Lite version. The Full version is based...

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Winning Numbers (Free) by SampathGWinning Numbers (Free)

Rated 3.68(81) — SampathG

Winning Numbers is a number prediction tool which will help you to select winning numbers for the next draw based on the winning numbers from the past draws. Every number selection game has a level of bias. Bias exist in number selection techniques...

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Buddhist Dhammapada by SampathGBuddhist Dhammapada

Rated 3.75(106) — SampathG

Dhammapada is an anthology of verses, which contains 423 verses uttered by Gauthama Buddha on some 305 occasions compiled into one book of wisdom.You can share the verses via SMS and Email with your loved ones.

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Lucky Lottery Numbers by SampathGLucky Lottery Numbers

Rated 4.00(469) — SampathG

Selection of winning numbers in your lottery cards just got easier!This software generates number sequences with better chances of winning! You can use this tool to generate numbers for any kind number matching game. Its fun and you stand a better chance.

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Quotes of Wisdom by SampathGQuotes of Wisdom

Rated 5.00(4) — SampathG

Tap into the wisdom of some of the greatest and most influential minds of the last century. More than 1000 quotes from 15 great personalities from different walks of life from scientists to artists to humanitarians.A great tool to keep on your phone...

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Verses from Holy Bible (Lite) by SampathGVerses from Holy Bible (Lite)

Rated 4.47(68) — SampathG

This application displays hundreds of selected verses from the Holy Bible on top of a handpicked set of beautiful images capturing the wonders of our Lord's creations. Let the Holy Bible Inspire you!You can share the verses with your friends and loved...

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