
Rothen published 3 applications on Google Play, 1,295 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.32!

Atrapa el Maní by RothenAtrapa el Maní

Rated 4.70(54) — Rothen

Intenta alcanzar el último nivel mientras pruebas tus habilidades. Tres intentos de atraparlo por nivel. Try to reach the last level as you test your skills. Three attempts to catch per level.

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World's smallest violin by RothenWorld's smallest violin

Rated 3.99(69) — Rothen

When you give a sh*t about other's problems, play it!

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Chile Sonidos by RothenChile Sonidos

Rated 4.28(1,172) — Rothen

23 botones que reproducen sonidos clásicos y recientes de nuestra cultura. Califica y sugiere nuevos sonidos en los comentarios 23 buttons that play classical and recent sounds of our culture. Rate and suggests new sounds in the comments

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