RoadShow Holdings Limited

RoadShow Holdings Limited published 2 applications on Google Play, 1,552 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.05!

HK2gather by RoadShow Holdings LimitedHK2gather

Rated 4.72(1,539) — RoadShow Holdings Limited

***全港首個18區巴士沿線飲食生活資訊搜尋app***您可於app內建立互動邀請卡, 摯友只需於邀請訊息的超連結上輕輕一按,便可即時表態出席與否。眾人答覆狀態及出席者名單均一目了然。建立自己的為食版圖,將喜愛餐廳收集起來,納入自己親自命名的版圖,與摯友互相追蹤餐廳珍藏。除此以外,您更可追蹤星級食家的為食版圖,豐富您的為食生活。其他精彩內容:-特選食店,全方位消閑娛樂、優惠券-打造全港最多星級、網絡人氣博客專欄-為食寵物,貓貓狗狗做食家-人人有份,香港十大,地道鬼馬-中港台國際紅星,雜誌式深度訪問-潮流時

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Shop2gather by RoadShow Holdings LimitedShop2gather

Rated 3.38(13) — RoadShow Holdings Limited

RoadShow’s new Shop2gather APPS showcase the newest and most comprehensive range of bus models and other irresistible special items!There’s no better way to check out our latest, hottest offers and savings!Simply shop and pay online and we’ll deliver...

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