
rizaluye published 99 applications on Google Play, 246 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.08!

14 Baby Food Age 6 Months by rizaluye14 Baby Food Age 6 Months

Rated 4.00(3) — rizaluye

14 Baby Food Age 6 MonthsThis application is free and offlineThese applications can run smoothly without an internet connection13 Baby Food Recipes Menu Age 6 MonthsYour baby is now 6 months old. If the mother is already successfully running its exclusive

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Rated 0.00(0) — rizaluye

21 BENEFITS OF BANANAOne of themBenefits Bananas for Pregnant WomenFor women who are pregnant, are encouraged to eat bananas, because they contain high folic acid is essential to support fetal development, the formation of new cells and preventing birth..

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50+ Fruit And Benefits by rizaluye50+ Fruit And Benefits

Rated 4.50(2) — rizaluye

50+ Fruit And BenefitsThis application is free and offlineThese applications can run smoothly without an internet connectionThis application provides details Name Your Fruits And Benefitsexample:A Fruit BenefitsAvocadoAvocado contains healthy fats oleic..

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asthma medications by rizaluyeasthma medications

Rated 3.83(6) — rizaluye

asthma medicationsasthma herbal medicineChild asthma medicationshow to cure asthmaasthma herbal medicinehow to cure asthmaasthma in childrenherbal asthmaasthma inhalerscrowdedsigns of asthmaAcute asthma herbal medicineasthma in childrenasthma medications.

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Rated 4.00(3) — rizaluye

BENEFITS OF HONEY FOR HEALTHvarious health benefits of honey include:lower cholesterolfungal infectionshelp the healing processrich in antioxidantsand othersDanger of False HoneyWhy dangerous fake honey?There are many reasons why you should not carelessly

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Breastfeeding Tips by rizaluyeBreastfeeding Tips

Rated 3.75(4) — rizaluye

Breastfeeding Tipsbreastfeeding mothersmother's milkbreastfeeding mother's dietvitamins for breastfeeding mothersdiet for breastfeeding mothersvitamin nursing motherslactating mothersbreastfeeding mothers diet menuway breastfeeding mothersfasting for...

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Burns Natural medicine by rizaluyeBurns Natural medicine

Rated 0.00(0) — rizaluye

Burns Natural medicineMeilibahenlinghow to eliminate old scarsscarhow to eliminate injuryold scar remover creamfoot injuryhow to remove facial injurieshow to disappear the scarshow to remove old scar on footlaser scarcream Meilibahenlingcream remover...

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Dengue Drugs Natural by rizaluyeDengue Drugs Natural

Rated 5.00(5) — rizaluye

Dengue Drugs Naturalfor children and adults*** FREE APPLICATION ***natural remedy for dengue fever, dengue fever is in fact not a disease that can be granted,if treatment is delayed and one that will prove fatal can cause deaththe characteristic features.

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Disease Info Laryngitis by rizaluyeDisease Info Laryngitis

Rated 4.00(3) — rizaluye

Disease Info LaryngitisWhat it Laryngitis?Laryngitis is an inflammation (swelling) in the area of the larynx are the vocal cords were attached. Someone who had laryngitis symptoms: the main form of voice raspy or hoarse due meradangnya vocal cords. It...

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drug tinea versicolor by rizaluyedrug tinea versicolor

Rated 4.50(4) — rizaluye

drug tinea versicolorherbal medicinehow to remove phlegm in advancetinea versicolor skinNizoral tablets tinea versicolormedicine herbal medicinephlegm in advanceketoconazole tablets for tinea versicolortinea versicolor in childrenhow to get rid of the...

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20 Benefits of Papaya Leaf by rizaluye20 Benefits of Papaya Leaf

Rated 4.50(40) — rizaluye

20 Benefits of Papaya LeafThis application offline to run normally without requiring internetpapaya leaves many benefits for our healthrelieve symptoms of dengue feverantimalarialnourish skinwarding off viral infectionsrelieve menstrual painand many...

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33 medicinal plants by rizaluye33 medicinal plants

Rated 4.50(4) — rizaluye

33 medicinal plantsmedicinal plantsherbal plantherbal medicine diabetesherbal medicinediabetesmedicine herbal medicineherbsdiabetes herbal medicinethe Latin name of plants togaherbal treetoga picturesherbs and usefulnessherb gardenIndonesian herbal medici

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Acne medication by rizaluyeAcne medication

Rated 5.00(1) — rizaluye

Acne medicationacne creamhow to get rid of acne on the facehow to clean the face of acneherbal acnepowerful acne creamfacial acnehow to get rid of acne stonehow mengempeskan acneacne tipshow hilangin acnehow acneanti-acnehow ngempesin acnefacial acnehow..

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Beans for health benefits by rizaluyeBeans for health benefits

Rated 0.00(0) — rizaluye

Beans for health benefitsThis application is free and offlineThis free application without using an Internet connectionBeans for health benefitsBeanIn addition to carrots, beans are one type of vegetable that is often used as one of the main ingredients..

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Boils Natural Herbal Drugs by rizaluyeBoils Natural Herbal Drugs

Rated 4.00(2) — rizaluye

Boils Natural Herbal DrugsboilUlcers caused by an infection of the skin by Staphylococcus bacteria. These bacteria enter through the hair follicles or oil glands and cause a local infection. If you are affected by ulcers do not squeeze or stabbed because.

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Bronchitis Herbal Drugs by rizaluyeBronchitis Herbal Drugs

Rated 5.00(2) — rizaluye

Bronchitis Herbal DrugsBronchitisAn inflammation of the main channel of the lung, bronchus ie. The disease is more common in areas with humid air and cold air. There are 2 types of bronchitis, acute bronchitis namely, a mild illness and of short duration.

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common cold by rizaluyecommon cold

Rated 0.00(0) — rizaluye

common cold cold flu symptoms flu sore throat cold symptoms common cold symptoms of the flu symptoms of flu cold remedies head cold the flu influenza symptoms medicine for cold flu remedies common cold symptoms flu like symptoms symptoms of a cold influen

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diarrhea traditional medicine by rizaluyediarrhea traditional medicine

Rated 3.00(1) — rizaluye

22 diarrhea traditional medicineThis application is free and Offline, it can run smoothly without requiring an internet connectionDiarrhea medicine. Diarrhea or diarrhea (abusive language) or diarrhea (English) is a disease that is centered on the gastroi

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drug timbilen by rizaluyedrug timbilen

Rated 0.00(0) — rizaluye

drug timbilentimbilen natural medicineeye styestyestye causeshow to cure eye styehow to treat eye styestye in eyea lump in the eyelidhow to treat eye timbilanlumps in the eyestye on the upper eyelideye styestye on eyetimbilen drugs in eyeulcers on the...

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Drugs Chickenpox by rizaluyeDrugs Chickenpox

Rated 4.29(7) — rizaluye

Drugs ChickenpoxAlthough chickenpox is not including a deadly disease, but many people are afraid exposed to smallpox. This disease is also called varicella simplex name. Chicken pox (varicella simplex) have occurred caused by a virus called varicella...

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