redouane semghouni

redouane semghouni published 3 applications on Google Play, 488 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.27!

Camera Cartoonizer by redouane semghouniCamera Cartoonizer

Rated 3.46(465) — redouane semghouni

BRING FUN AND COLOR TO YOUR PHONE CAMERA.this Free application make fun to your phone camera including some effect like:-Cartoon effect-Grey effect-Edge effect covering white/black/colored edge-alien eyesYou can at any moment take a picture that will...

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video surveillance by redouane semghounivideo surveillance

Rated 3.36(22) — redouane semghouni

This video surveillance app, is small mobile software, like Video Surveillance System, it allow a full access to IP cameras running M-JPEG Streaming protocol.You can connect directly to your Ipcamera “support multiple Ipcamera” using your Android...

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The Cook Book by redouane semghouniThe Cook Book

Rated 3.00(1) — redouane semghouni

The Cook Book is an app that allow to create a delicious recipe using a simple drag and drop of ingredient.All recipe are automatically stored in the cloud, which can be quickly shared with your contact, Including a screen shoot taking with your phone.The

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