RAVE - Android Applications by RAVE
View a full inverted panorama of the Earth in virtual reality!Rendered by RAVE - Aiden Lab (rave.rice.edu)Image from the Wennberg Group, CalTechDeveloped by Muhammad Shamim and Marie HoegerMusic - Satellite by Stellardrone---------------Learn more about..
Free AppJuicebox VR creates a virtual reality representation of data generated by the Hi-C method for three-dimensional genome sequencing. Every 2D position in the landscape corresponds to a pair of 1D positions, or loci, in the three-billion-letter-long human...
Free AppExplore the path from Ares 3 to Ares 4 on Mars from Andy Weir's "The Martian" in virtual reality!Data from HiRISE (uahirise.org) - NASA/JPL/University of ArizonaRendered by RAVE - Aiden Lab (rave.rice.edu)Developed by Muhammad Shamim & Marie HoegerMusic..
Free AppExplore the western edge of Marth Crater on Mars from Andy Weir's "The Martian" in virtual reality!Data from HiRISE (uahirise.org) - NASA/JPL/University of ArizonaRendered by RAVE - Aiden Lab (rave.rice.edu)Developed by Muhammad Shamim & Marie HoegerMusic
Free AppView a full inverted panorama of Mars in virtual reality!Rendered by RAVE - Aiden Lab (rave.rice.edu)Image from NASADeveloped by Muhammad Shamim & Marie HoegerMusic - Satellite by Stellardrone---------------Learn more about our work at rave.rice.edu...
Free AppExplore the Ares 3 site on Mars from Andy Weir's "The Martian" in virtual reality!Data from HiRISE (uahirise.org) - NASA/JPL/University of ArizonaRendered by RAVE - Aiden Lab (rave.rice.edu)Developed by Muhammad Shamim & Marie HoegerMusic - Pale Blue...
Free AppExplore the surface of Mars in virtual reality using data from NASA's Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA)!Data from NASA - MOLARendered by RAVE - Aiden Lab (rave.rice.edu)Developed by Muhammad Shamim & Marie HoegerMusic - Pale Blue Dot by StellardroneIn..
Free AppProject VisoR is built on the idea of using computational transformations on augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) devices to view the world in ways you never thought possible!Simulate and correct various forms of colorblindness. Live your...
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