
Qadisha published 2 applications on Google Play, 13 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.63!

Sorrento Mobile by QadishaSorrento Mobile

Rated 3.25(8) — Qadisha

SorrentoMobile, the ultimate travel guide for smartphone and tablet, able to support you during your stay in Sorrento Coast.SorrentoMobile is a travel guide with excursions tips and destinations for all points of interest in the Sorrento neighborhoods.Sor

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SorrentoNews by QadishaSorrentoNews

Rated 4.00(5) — Qadisha

SorrentoNews è l'app che ti permette di avere a portata di mano tutte le notizie riguardanti la Penisola Sorrentina fornite dalle maggiori testate giornalistiche quali:- SorrentoPress- PositanoNews- CorsoItaliaNews- Centopercentofitness- Telestreet...

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