
q-code.be published 2 applications on Google Play, 11 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.89!

Zeeland Tides by q-code.beZeeland Tides

Rated 3.00(2) — q-code.be

Getijdentabel - Waterstand - Holland - Oosterschelde - WesterscheldeThe App provides tide table for several spots in Zeeland (Netherlands) and Belgium. It computes High/Low water time as well as NAP water level and Moon phases for the selected location...

Zeeland Tides (free) by q-code.beZeeland Tides (free)

Rated 2.78(9) — q-code.be

The App provides tide table for several spots in Zeeland (Netherlands). It computes High/Low water time as well as NAP water level and Moon phases for the selected location. It also provides the location map, an overview calendar of the neap/spring tides.

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