Purple Smile - Android Applications by Purple Smile
Most people who click on this article won't finish reading it. Because lack of focus. Our brains cannot think more than one thought at a time. Thus, we must think about, FOCUS on, and complete only the tasks that are most important to us right now. A...
Free GameA really simple way to teach kids about how to write English alphabets. A fun exercise to help your child strengthen her hand muscles and learn how to form letters.Approved by teachers, parents and toddlers. Children acquire new information more quickly..
Free GameYour short term memory can be conceived of as the “holding tank” your brain uses to temporarily hold information while determining whether to filter it out (and forget it) or move it along into your long-term memory. It is oft said that your short...
Free GameWriting wordsAttention, you should use this app only if you’ve already mastered writing letters. Our app Writing Alphabet Letters can help your kids learn to write letters. Approved by teachers, parents, and toddlers.This app helps your child to move...
Free GameДанас деца много брже усвајају информације. Између 1 и 5 године малишани су прави мали сунђери који уче огромном брзином. Сигурно сте већ изненађени...
Free GameIf your kid does not know math do not worry about that Make learning math fun from the beginning. This game makes math fun and interesting for your children. From preschoolers to children starting class this app can enhance learning. This application...
Free GameIf you enjoy problem-working out, this game is for you. Mathematics studying increasing problem-saving ski and practices them. Problem-solving skills are correlated with performance on IQ tests, Math games are just tools for honing your math skills and...
Free GameWriting numbers The main goal of this application is to teach children numbers and how to compose it. Writing numbers.Approved by teachers, parents and toddlers.The main goal of this application is to teach children numbers and how to write it. There...
Free GameТехника не мора да буде лоша по ваше дете. Ако Ваше дете већ има приступ таблету или се игра са Вашим телефоном, искористите ту радозналост...
Free GameТехника не мора да буде лоша по ваше дете. Ако Ваше дете већ има приступ таблету или се игра са Вашим телефоном, искористите ту радозналост...
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