Pulso Research Group - Android Applications by Pulso Research Group
La aplicación Descubrir Palabras Montessori, está pensada como herramienta de apoyo para iniciarse en el proceso de lectura y escritura, así como para trabajar en intervención temprana con niños con NEE (Necesidades Educativas Especiales) o alumnos...
Free AppYou can play music with SAMI and learn the musical notes with different games.This application is designed for children to use an Android tablet. In the current version use the Fixed Do key notation (Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si).SAMI is composed of mini-g
Free AppThis application "Draw & Talk" is a tablet-only application through which children can draw and tell what they are drawing. It has a pleasant and attractive interface for children to be attracted by it. Belka, the pet of the app, and which kids can intera
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