Pēteris Caune - Android Applications by Pēteris Caune
Pārbaudi savas satiksmes noteikumu zināšanas!Jautājumi atbilst CSDD "B" kategorijas teorijas eksāmena jautājumiem.Padomi: * Pieskaroties ilustrācijai, to var aplūkot lielāku * Jautājumus pāršķir, pirkstu horizontāli velkot pa ekrānu
Free AppI've been enjoying this live wallpaper for past few months, and finally took the time to clean up the loose ends, so I can share it with you!Graphics by Kārlis Caune-- http://karliscaune.cgarena.com/To see the "live" aspect of the wallpaper, try switching
Free ThemeDiet Quality Score is a simple, practical scoring system described in the book "Racing Weight" by Matt Fitzgerald.This is an app to calculate DQS for each day. Here's how to use it: * Read the book * Install this app on your under-used Android tablet...
Free AppA Live Wallpaper that invites you into the wild, mysterious and colourful world of jungle. Looks great with the dark theme of Gingerbread. To see the "live" aspect of the wallpaper, try switching homescreens!
Free Theme