Premchand Katuri

Premchand Katuri published 2 applications on Google Play, 98 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.84! by Premchand

Rated 5.00(12) — Premchand Katuri is an online local city guide, specially developed to know whats happenings in and around your city. You can find or you can add your own business as a listings like restaurants, hotels, movie theatres, tourist locations, museums, government...

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Vizag 24x7 by Premchand KaturiVizag 24x7

Rated 4.67(86) — Premchand Katuri is an Online Portal specially developed for Vizag city. On many users request, I developed this app, which has A to Z information about the city and its tourist places along with GPS Navigation features. Now everyone can find the nearest...

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