Plover Apps SPA

Plover Apps SPA published 3 applications on Google Play, 18 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.56!

EcoSignIt by Plover Apps SPAEcoSignIt

Rated 3.67(3) — Plover Apps SPA

EcoSignItThe Most Secure And Eco Way to do BusinessYou can help the planet from the confort of your mobile device . There is not need to use a printer or scanner if you have a mobile device with a integrated camera .With EcoSignIt you can:-Sign PDF docume

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Tu Permiso App by Plover Apps SPATu Permiso App

Rated 5.00(13) — Plover Apps SPA

Con esta sencilla aplicación podrás conocer el valor de tu permiso de circulación. Puedes buscar por modelo, por el código de permiso, o si tu auto es nuevo puedes conocer el valor aproximado a pagar ingresando el valor de tu factura . With this...

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Plover by Plover Apps SPAPlover

Rated 5.00(2) — Plover Apps SPA

Invite People, Be Invite, Split the bill, or Luck Decide. Search for activities around you in the 5 Categories: Theathers, Concerts, Restaurants, Sports, Travels.You can créate invites for all or just for mutual Friends.Look for Friends, Partners, Lovers.

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