Pedro Pablo Fábrega

Pedro Pablo Fábrega published 4 applications on Google Play, 9 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.72!

BioRtm BioRhythm by Pedro Pablo FábregaBioRtm BioRhythm

Rated 1.86(7) — Pedro Pablo Fábrega

Assess your physical, emotional and intellectual biorhythms using your date of birth. You can find out all of these things for any day you want. You can also have a global assessment, and the best and worst days during the coming month.

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The Wisdom of Father Brown by Pedro Pablo FábregaThe Wisdom of Father Brown

Rated 0.00(0) — Pedro Pablo Fábrega

Esta aplicación contiene el libro The Wisdom of Father Brown en versión original y con la traducción integrada de cierto vocabulario, expresiones y verbos frasales para facilitar la lectura y el aprendizaje efectivo de vocabulario.Tanto vocabulario...

The Canterville Ghost VEPEI by Pedro Pablo FábregaThe Canterville Ghost VEPEI

Rated 0.00(0) — Pedro Pablo Fábrega

Esta aplicación contiene el libro The Canterville Ghost de Oscar Wilde en versión original y con la traducción integrada de cierto vocabulario, expresiones y verbos frasales para facilitar la lectura y el aprendizaje efectivo de vocabulario.Tanto...

VocWN by Pedro Pablo FábregaVocWN

Rated 5.00(2) — Pedro Pablo Fábrega

It is a simple educational game based on WordNet 3.0 dictionary that you have to choose de correct definition of a word in order to improve your vocabulary.You can switch into different topics in menu.

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