Paweł Nadolski

Paweł Nadolski published 5 applications on Google Play, 4,344 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.98!

Alcohol Calculator. This app may contain mature content.
Alcohol Calculator by Paweł NadolskiAlcohol Calculator

Rated 3.65(632) — Paweł Nadolski

*** please contact me by email, to report issues ***Alcohol Calculator estimates blood alcohol content (BAC) in promilles. After adding alcoholic drinks and time when they were finished drinking it displays concentration of the alcohol in the blood...

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Percent Calculator by Paweł NadolskiPercent Calculator

Rated 3.96(481) — Paweł Nadolski

Percent Calculator is an easy to use application for performing percentage related calculations. Includes computing of:- Percentage- Discount- Increment by Percentage- Value as Percent of- Value Before Discount- Value Before IncrementOther features:-...

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Pop Balloons for Kids by Paweł NadolskiPop Balloons for Kids

Rated 3.67(3) — Paweł Nadolski

This is very simple, casual game where player can pop balloons for fun :) Intended for use by small kids.CreditsCoding: Paweł NadolskiGraphics: Paweł Balaryn

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Blip Blip (hourly chime) by Paweł NadolskiBlip Blip (hourly chime)

Rated 4.63(3,216) — Paweł Nadolski

Simple time reminder, plays sounds regularly (hourly chime), but can do much more!.It can be used as a cuckoo clock or mindfulness bell - every time it rings it gives you chance to think what time it is or what you are currently doing.By default it plays.

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Placebo Button by Paweł NadolskiPlacebo Button

Rated 4.00(12) — Paweł Nadolski

This app uses placebo effect to make your wishes come true!How to use:1. Enter text what the button should do. (e.g. some affirmation like "I feel great.")2. Press the button.3. ...4. Enjoy placebo effect!Using placebo even when you know it is placebo...

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