
PaulB published 2 applications on Google Play, 38 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.25!

Pronote Collège J. Ferry SGDB by PaulBPronote Collège J. Ferry SGDB

Rated 3.65(17) — PaulB

Pronote du Collège Jules Ferry de SGDB.Environnement numérique de travail.Iprof ac versaillesWebmail AC Versailles Pronote College Jules Ferry DBMS.Digital work environment.Iprof ac VersaillesWebmail AC Versailles

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Pronote Paul Belmondo by PaulBPronote Paul Belmondo

Rated 2.86(21) — PaulB

Pronote du lycée Paul Belmondo Arpajon.Pronote ( version Professeur, Elève et parent).ENT paul belmondoLCS Iprof Ac versailles Pronote high school Arpajon Paul Belmondo.Pronote (version Teacher, student and parent).ENT paul belmondoLCSIprof Ac Versailles.

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