Paul Chernenko

Paul Chernenko published 2 applications on Google Play, 26 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.75!

Simple Weather by Paul ChernenkoSimple Weather

Rated 3.00(2) — Paul Chernenko

Simple Weather gives you the overview of the weather data for the selected locations from all countries in the world. You can check out current weather information as well as a forecast for 5 days for every 3 hours. The application gives you data about...

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Wake on Lan by Paul ChernenkoWake on Lan

Rated 4.50(24) — Paul Chernenko

The purpose of the application "Wake on Lan" is to turn on computer remotely with your phone or tablet using the Wake-on-Lan technology.For this application to work you must have a computer and a network adapter that supports WakeOnLan (WOL) technology...

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