Open Knowledge Association Ltd. - Android Applications by Open Knowledge Association Ltd.
- The purpose of the learning app is to motivate the interest of NCS children and help them to learn Chinese and traditional characters for better integration into the Hong Kong society. The learning objectives and the content is specially designed for...
Free App1. 本應用程式為提高非華語學童的中國語文水平而設計,編寫時參考了《中國語文課程補充指引(非華語學生)》(2008)、「中國語文課程第二語言學習架構」(2014)等文件,切合高小至初中非華語學童的學習需要。2...
Free AppRainbowOne讓您自由製作校本電子書或電子教材,完全不用編寫程式,配合您的教學法,學生學習成效更佳! RainbowOne lets you make free school-based e-book or electronic materials, no need to write the program, with your teaching, student learning outcomes better!
Free App彩虹繪本故事系列之一。 故事出自伊索寓言。故事講述一對懶惰的夫婦,一天發現他們養的母雞生下了一顆金蛋,他們高興極了,於是便放下所有工作只靠賣金蛋生活。 但是很快他們便感到不滿足,開始懷疑雞的肚子裡一定有金塊...... 教事教訓人們貪得無厭,最終只會一無所得。...
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