
OMedia published 2 applications on Google Play, 17 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.66!

Cute Talking Baby by OMediaCute Talking Baby

Rated 2.82(11) — OMedia

Talk to the cutest talking baby and she will talk back to you in a cute and funny voice. Talking baby is a cute little baby who loves to spend time with you and talk to you.You can feed the talking baby and she will love you for it, you can also dress...

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L'Cousina - Recettes Marocaine by OMediaL'Cousina - Recettes Marocaine

Rated 4.50(6) — OMedia

L’Cousina est la meilleure application pour trouver, discuter et partager des recettes concoctées par des passionnés de la cuisine comme vous.L’Cousina est un espace unique et sécurisé ou les amateurs de cuisine se retrouvent pour discuter et...

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