Office110 - Android Applications by Office110
Free AppIt is a camera that allows you to put the shooting date, current location, and simple text in the image.You can select the date type and color. You can also record the current location. It can be used for traveling and business records shooting important.
Free AppIt is a camera which supervises the illegal use of a smart phone.-It is a silent photography start by keylock release. -A photography place is recorded by a GPS function. **From a 3.0 or more-Android model, it does not operate normally. **On account...
Free App2017/4/1ダイヤ改正対応ダイヤ改正によりエラーが発生する系統があります。登録してある時刻表を削除してから、改めて登録をお願いします。主に、名古屋駅発着のものが対象となります。正常に登録できない場合、古いアプリをアンインストールしてから改めてお試しください。名古屋の「市バス」時刻表検索アプリです。乗車バス停と、降車バス停を入力し、候補から選ぶだけで時刻表の確認ができます。さらに、いつも使う時刻表はマイリストに登録することで、アプリ起動時に「今の時間帯の発車時刻」と、「次の時間帯の発車時刻」を確認するこ
Free AppReleased a new version."DateCamera2" Please use the new application. is a camera that can insert a photographing date. A photographing date can be displayed horizo
Free AppCombining multiple probabilities will be performed. (Up to three) You can also calculate with the same denominator and different denominators with a single button.There is also a function to calculate fair odds and profits of three odds.It can be used...
Free AppTexting while walking is dengerous.A ghost is the application to watch.Detection of vibration will display and interfere with a STOP screen.*** For example ***- When you would like to stop texting while walking.- When you would like to let it use the...
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