
ntc-lab.co.jp published 5 applications on Google Play, 83 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.67!

JpComic Nose(ad) by ntc-lab.co.jpJpComic Nose(ad)

Rated 2.38(16) — ntc-lab.co.jp

We faithfully replicated Akutagawa's works by manga.Original : Ryunosuke Akutagawa,"The Nose"(Hana)Manga : Yasutaka NagataNaigu Zenchi,a Buddhist priest has a nose whose length is about 20 centimeters and it occupies around his mouth.The word "NOSE...

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JpComic Nose(Japanese version) by ntc-lab.co.jpJpComic Nose(Japanese version)

Rated 4.00(1) — ntc-lab.co.jp

We faithfully replicated Akutagawa's works by manga.Original : Ryunosuke Akutagawa,"The Nose"(Hana)Manga : Yasutaka NagataNaigu Zenchi,a Buddhist priest has a nose whose length is about 20 centimeters and it occupies around his mouth.The word "NOSE...

JpComics Magic(Japanese ver) by ntc-lab.co.jpJpComics Magic(Japanese ver)

Rated 4.13(30) — ntc-lab.co.jp

The Japanese masterpieces by manga,“Magic”(majutsu).Author:Ryunosuke AkutagawaComics:Yasutaka NagataWe faithfully replicated Akutagawa's works by manga.

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JpComic Nose(English version) by ntc-lab.co.jpJpComic Nose(English version)

Rated 3.93(15) — ntc-lab.co.jp

We faithfully replicated Akutagawa's works by manga.Original : Ryunosuke Akutagawa,"The Nose"(Hana)Manga : Yasutaka NagataNaigu Zenchi,a Buddhist priest has a nose whose length is about 20 centimeters and it occupies around his mouth.The word "NOSE...

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JpComics A bunch of grapes(JP) by ntc-lab.co.jpJpComics A bunch of grapes(JP)

Rated 3.90(21) — ntc-lab.co.jp

The Japanese masterpieces by manga, “A bunch of grapes”(hitohusanobudou).Author:Takeo ArishimaComics:Yasutaka NagataWe faithfully replicated Arishima's works by manga.I went to schooll in Yokohama.It was seaside and the scenery was beautiful...

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