
Noloc published 2 applications on Google Play, 122 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.82!

Nóloc by NolocNóloc

Rated 4.77(22) — Noloc

Customize your Android homescreen with a Nolóc wall!What makes Nolóc walls different from the rest is that all photos were done via smartphone.Shot with a smartphone, edited on a smartphone.Here is a list of all Android Smartphones used for all shots-S5-M

Nóloc (Behang Extension) by NolocNóloc (Behang Extension)

Rated 4.86(100) — Noloc

Now with over 50 widgets! (Including Widgets I created for Zooper by BEARD)FONTS MUST BE INSTALLED USING THE NOLOC DASHBOARD AFTER INSTALLINGNóloc Zooper Widgets will only work with ZOOPER WIDGET PRODownload here
