Noisy Leaf

Noisy Leaf published 2 applications on Google Play, 14 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.66!

Cow Drop by Noisy LeafCow Drop

Rated 4.33(12) — Noisy Leaf

So many apps recently have been focusing on the far too popular animal, the bird.This app is ready to show you that birds are not the masters of the sky, the cows are coming.Its well known that Aliens abduct over 3000 cows every year. To combat this...

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Simple Torch App by Noisy LeafSimple Torch App

Rated 5.00(2) — Noisy Leaf

Tap the screen to turn on the torch, and tap it again to turn it off.Many torch applications secretly sell your data to third parties. This torch app is simple, and funded by advertising only. None of your personal information will be collected or sold...

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