Nicolas LAURENT published 2 applications on Google Play, 1,565 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.62!

TarotDroid (Points counter) by Nicolas LAURENTTarotDroid (Points counter)

Rated 4.58(1,441) — Nicolas LAURENT

TarotDroid allows you to count easily and practically the scores and points of your Tarot games.When playing cards, we do not necessarily have a sheet, a pencil, a calculator or just enough room for these items. However, we all have our Android device...

Free Game Loved
TarotDroid ++ by Nicolas LAURENTTarotDroid ++

Rated 4.65(124) — Nicolas LAURENT

TarotDroid allows you to count easily and practically the scores and points of your Tarot games.This is the full version of TarotDroid. It allows you : - to store an unlimited amount of games - to export each game to an Excel spreadsheetWhen playing...
