NAYNAD_2015 - Android Applications by NAYNAD_2015
El juego "Adivina las imágenes" es un juego de ingenio ligero, porque probamos la capacidad de adivinar 200 imágenes diferentes.Una vez que pueda responder al acertijo, generará curiosidad para la siguiente suposición. Aumenta aún más el nivel...
Free GameBreak The Password Games is a mild brain teasers, because they test knowledge and our ability to guess Random Word.Once you can answer the riddle, it will generate curiosity for the next guess. Further increase the level of addiction to be able to finish.
Free GameColoring is a fun activity for children of all age groups. It is a powerful educational tool to stimulates the development of children.Coloring activity has many benefits for children, such as :1. Helping Toddlers Know Colors2. Learning Concentration3...
Free GameColoring is a fun activity for children of all age groups. It is a powerful educational tool to stimulates the development of children.Coloring activity has many benefits for children, such as :1. Helping Toddlers Know Colors2. Learning Concentration3...
Free GameColoring is a fun activity for children of all age groups. It is a powerful educational tool to stimulates the development of children.Coloring activity has many benefits for children, such as :1. Helping Toddlers Know Colors2. Learning Concentration3...
Free GameGet a good kind of recipes for Fish you'll be able to cook along with your family. We've collections of the most effective fish recipes in English.Cut down on the change of state time with these fast and straightforward to create food recipes. All recipes
Free AppGame "Tebak Gambar" merupakan permainan asah otak ringan, karena menguji kemampuan kita menebak Gambar.Bisa menjawab satu tebakan akan menimbulkan rasa penasaran untuk tebakan berikutnya. Semakin naik level ketagihan untuk bisa menyelesaikan game ini.Seti
Free Game"Guess The Flag of Country" game is a mind brain teasers, because they test knowledge and our ability to recall / guess the flag of a country in the World.Once you can answer the riddle, it will generate curiosity for the next guess. Further increase...
Free Game"Guess the Pictures" game is a mild brain teasers, because we tested the ability guess 200 different pictures.Once you can answer the riddle, it will generate curiosity for the next guess. Further increase the level of addiction to be able to finish...
Free GameMembacakan cerita dapat dimulai sejak anak masih berusia dini, bahkan sejak anak masih dalam kandungan. Otak anak usia dini bagaikan spons yang mampu menyerap berbagai informasi. Informasi yang diterima anak akan tersimpan kuat dalam memori.Bercerita...
Free AppGuess 100 Country Flags and Guess 100 Countries & Capital are a mild brain teasers, because we tested the ability and knowledge to remember / guess the flag of a State and Capital city is in the World.Once you can answer the riddle, it will generate...
Free AppGet a good kind of recipes for chicken you'll be able to cook along with your family. We've collections of the most effective chicken recipes in English.Cut down on the change of state time with these fast and straightforward to create food recipes...
Free AppColoring is a fun activity for children of all age groups. It is a powerful educational tool to stimulates the development of children.Coloring activity has many benefits for children, such as :1. Helping Toddlers Know Colors2. Learning Concentration3...
Free GameColoring is a fun activity for children of all age groups. It is a powerful educational tool to stimulates the development of children.Coloring activity has many benefits for children, such as :1. Helping Toddlers Know Colors2. Learning Concentration3...
Free AppColoring is a fun activity for children of all age groups. It is a powerful educational tool to stimulates the development of children.Coloring activity has many benefits for children, such as :1. Helping Toddlers Know Colors2. Learning Concentration3...
Free GameGame "Gambar Apakah Ini" merupakan permainan asah otak ringan, karena menguji kemampuan kita menebak Gambar.Bisa menjawab satu tebakan akan menimbulkan rasa penasaran untuk tebakan berikutnya. Semakin naik level ketagihan untuk bisa menyelesaikan game...
Free GameGuess and Capital City is a mild brain teasers, because we tested the ability and knowledge to remember / guess the flag of a State and Capital city is in the World.Once you can answer the riddle, it will generate curiosity for the next guess. Further...
Free GameGuess The Flag of Country is a mild brain teasers, because they test knowledge and our ability to recall / guess the flag of a country in the World.Once you can answer the riddle, it will generate curiosity for the next guess. Further increase the level..
Free GameApakah anda pernah memikirkan tentang sebanyak apa jenis kucing yang ada di dunia? Apabila anda sangat penasaran, kali ini saya akan membahas hal itu. Macam-macam jenis kucing di dunia sangatlah beragam. Mulai dari yang selalu kita dengar, yaitu anggora..
Free AppMembacakan cerita dapat dimulai sejak anak masih berusia dini, bahkan sejak anak masih dalam kandungan. Otak anak usia dini bagaikan spons yang mampu menyerap berbagai informasi. Informasi yang diterima anak akan tersimpan kuat dalam memori.Bercerita...
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