
najahdroid published 32 applications on Google Play, 20 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.44!

Adele New Song by najahdroidAdele New Song

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

Adele one of the world's successful musicians by of music colections that he released, for those of you who like songs from adele can search adele songs with the following keywordsadele adele new adele cd adele songs adele new song adele 25 cd adele...

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Bruno Mars Songs by najahdroidBruno Mars Songs

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

For those of you fans of songs from Bruno Mars you can search for titles with the following keywords:Happy listeningbruno mars songsbruno mars bruno mars songs bruno mars cd bruno mars tour bruno mars album bruno mars concert bruno mars tour 2016 bruno...

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Cara Meluruskan Rambut by najahdroidCara Meluruskan Rambut

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

Setiap wanita pastinya selalu ingin tampil maksimal setiap saat. Tak jarang untuk mempercantik diri, mereka rela menghabiskan gaji bulanan, seperti salah satunya untuk meluruskan rambut. Mengingat wanita yang memiliki rambut lurus, terlihat lebih anggun..

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cara memutihkan wajah by najahdroidcara memutihkan wajah

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

Memiliki kulit cerah berseri adalah dambaan setiap orang, khususnya wanita. Kulit wajah yang cerah adalah cermin bahwa wajah mendapat perawatan yang baik.Banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan wajah yang putih dan cerah. Mulai dari perawatan..

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Cara Menghilangkan Komedo by najahdroidCara Menghilangkan Komedo

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

Komedo pada dasarnya dapat dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu komedo putih alias whitehead, dan komedo hitam atau blackhead. Sebenernya kedua komedo ini sama, cuman salah satunya tak tertutup lapisan kulit sehingga mengalami oksidasi dan mengakibatkannya...

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Charlie Puth Music by najahdroidCharlie Puth Music

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

Charlie Puth is one of the most successful young singers and much in the likes of teenagers today, because in addition to a handsome young singer Charlie Puth also managed to make the song a favorite song from various circles, For those of you fans of...

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Coldplay New Song by najahdroidColdplay New Song

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

Coldplay is a music group Quite famous for the success of songs, albums and singles launched, For those of you fans of songs from the band Coldplay you can find the title with the following keywords:Happy listeningcoldplay coldplay songs coldplay new...

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Ed Sheeran Best Music by najahdroidEd Sheeran Best Music

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

Ed sheeran a writer also popular pop musicians in the UK is also very well known to the world with his brilliant work in the music world, until now the song from ed sheeran still many fans who faithfully listen to music music.Following keywords to search.

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Es Buah by najahdroidEs Buah

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

Minuman segar merupakan sebuah hidangan yang banyak di sukai dan di gemari masyarakat luas terutama pada saat musim panas. Minuman segar harus ada ketika dalam penyajian makanan, baik itu minuman hangat atau pun minuman dingin. Jaman sekarang banyak...

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Harry Styles New Song by najahdroidHarry Styles New Song

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

In this app available collection of songs harry styles that can be enjoyed for listeners for free, you can also search for other titles by using the following keywords :harry styles one direction louis one direction one direction 2016 harry styles news...

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Adele New Song Top by najahdroidAdele New Song Top

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

For those of you adele fans also the best songs from adele can be found with the following keywords:Happy listeningadele adele new album adele cd adele songs adele new song adele 25 cd adele albums adele send my love adele's new album adele cd 2015 adele.

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Calvin Harris Songs by najahdroidCalvin Harris Songs

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

In this application provides a variety of popular songs from the world's great singers, one of which is calvin harris with its popular and best-selling song in the world, for those of you who love the song from calvin harrisr you can enjoy it on this...

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Cara Memanjangkan Bulu Mata by najahdroidCara Memanjangkan Bulu Mata

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

Salah satu bagian yang paling cantik dari wajah manusia adalah bulu mata. Bulu mata tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai pelindung mata, namun juga sebagai pembingkai bulu mata yang menambah nilai kecantikan mata dan wajah. Semakin bagus bentuk bulu mata, juga..

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cara memutihkan wajah alami by najahdroidcara memutihkan wajah alami

Rated 5.00(2) — najahdroid

Memiliki kulit cerah berseri adalah dambaan setiap orang, khususnya wanita. Kulit wajah yang cerah adalah cermin bahwa wajah mendapat perawatan yang baik.Banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan wajah yang putih dan cerah. Mulai dari perawatan..

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cara merawat rambut by najahdroidcara merawat rambut

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

cara merawat rambut ini membantu anda merawat merawat rambut ini membantu anda memiliki rambut indah, lebat, hitam alami how to care for this hair help you treat the hair.Hair care tips helps you have beautiful hair, bushy, natural black

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Coldplay Best Collection by najahdroidColdplay Best Collection

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

Coldplay is a music group Quite famous for the success of songs, For those of you fans of songs from the band Coldplay you can find the title with the following keywords:Happy listening Gaescoldplay new song coldplay cd coldplay greatest hits coldplay...

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Demi Lovato Top Songs by najahdroidDemi Lovato Top Songs

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

For the sake of lovato female musicians who have the best talent, as evidenced by his success in the music that brought his name to the music of the world,For those of you who like the music is advised to listen to songs from for lovato, which can be...

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Ed Sheeran New Song by najahdroidEd Sheeran New Song

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

Ed sheeran a writer also popular pop musicians in the UK is also very well known to the world with his brilliant work in the music world, until now the song from ed sheeran still many fans who faithfully listen to music music.Following keywords to search.

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gejala penyakit jantung by najahdroidgejala penyakit jantung

Rated 0.00(0) — najahdroid

Penyakit jantung pada dasarnya disebabkan karena sel-sel jantung yang mati dan mengakibatkan pasokan darah ke jantung terhenti atau bisa juga disebabkan oleh penyumbatan pembuluh darah. Penyakit jantung merupakan pembunuh nomor satu didunia yang menduduki

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Justin Bieber All Song by najahdroidJustin Bieber All Song

Rated 5.00(1) — najahdroid

In this application provides a variety of collections of popular songs from the world's great singers, one of which is justin bieber with its popular and best-selling song in the world, for those of you who love the song from justin bieber you can enjoy..

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