MKK TEAM - Android Applications by MKK TEAM
Sometimes all you need is an Apps that is smart enough to block incoming calls from 2pm ~ 4pm weekdays or 8am ~ 12pm during class time. MKK Caller ID is the exactly what you are looking. Set the time range as you decided to block the incoming calls...
Free App歡迎使用來電紅綠燈(for Android 2.2.x)上班中接到推銷電話? 晚上睡覺時被打錯電話給吵醒?來電紅綠燈可以選擇時段自動的幫你拒接以下來電:1. 來電沒有電話號碼2. 來電有電話號碼但非你的聯絡人3...
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