minang game

minang game published 60 applications on Google Play, 998 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.29!

Angklung Sunda Indonesia by minang gameAngklung Sunda Indonesia

Rated 4.00(4) — minang game

The angklung is a musical instrument from Indonesia made of a varying number of bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are tuned to octaves, similar to American handbells. The base of the...

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Bagpipes Virtual by minang gameBagpipes Virtual

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

Bagpipes are a wind instrument using enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. Though the Scottish Great Highland bagpipes are the best known in the Anglophone world, bagpipes have been played for a millennium or more...

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Bermain Warna by minang gameBermain Warna

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

Permainanya Gamnpang, cukup samakan warna berdasarkan pilihan warna yang tersedia di bawah, akan ada 31 kali percobaan, jika gagal berarti anda tidak pandai memainkanya Permainanya Gamnpang, simply equate the color by color options available below, there.

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Cajoon Professional Drum by minang gameCajoon Professional Drum

Rated 4.00(6) — minang game

Cajoon Accoustic Professional

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Congas Bongos Electro Pad by minang gameCongas Bongos Electro Pad

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

If you are interested in beats, then you are sure to be interested in other instruments besides the usual drums that can give you the right beats. Well then let us discuss bongos and congas from the family of drums.Bongo is a small version of drums...

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Darbuka Electro Pad by minang gameDarbuka Electro Pad

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

The Darbuka is also known as a doumbek, dumbelek, derbocka and darabukka. This goblet shaped hand drum is mainly used in the Arabic music. Apart from this, Darbuka is also considered to be a popular instrument in the Balkan, Persian and Turkish music...

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Djembe Reggae Pro by minang gameDjembe Reggae Pro

Rated 4.57(7) — minang game

The djembe is one of West Africa's best known instruments. This goblet-shaped drum is traditionally carved from a single piece of African hardwood and topped with an animal skin as a drumhead. In western understanding, the drum belongs to the membranophon

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Flute For Kids by minang gameFlute For Kids

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

The flute is a family of musical instruments in the woodwind group. Unlike woodwind instruments with reeds, a flute is an aerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the flow of air across an opening. According to the instrument...

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Gamebot Retro by minang gameGamebot Retro

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

Gembot Simple game 90 an Simple game Gembot 90s

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Gendang + Lagu Koplo by minang gameGendang + Lagu Koplo

Rated 4.46(13) — minang game

Gendang Dangdut Koplo + plus lagu dangdut- Via Vallen Sayang- Bojo Galak- KerinduanCara Main Gunakan headset atau handsfree sebagai media agar suara lebih dangdut dan koplo banget pastinya, anda juga bisa memilih lagu dari hp anda sendirijika hp anda...

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Animals Sound by minang gameAnimals Sound

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

There Many animal sound in application, just click animal and hear the sound

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Bedug Takbir dan Azan by minang gameBedug Takbir dan Azan

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

Aplikasi ini kita bisa memainkan beduk di iringi suara takbir hari raya idul fitri dan idul adhaCara mainya gampang cukup pukul beduknya dan sesuaikan dengan irama musikgunakan speaker untuk suara Lebih HD. cocok untuk takbiran dirumah dengan bedug virtua

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Brain IQ Tester by minang gameBrain IQ Tester

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

Test Your Brain Using This App. - SImple to Play- Small Size- So many test

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Clarinet Virtual Real by minang gameClarinet Virtual Real

Rated 5.00(3) — minang game

The clarinet is a musical-instrument family belonging to the group known as the woodwind instruments. It has a single-reed mouthpiece, a straight cylindrical tube with an almost cylindrical bore, and a flared bell. A person who plays a clarinet is called.

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Congas Percussion Bongos by minang gameCongas Percussion Bongos

Rated 5.00(2) — minang game

Conga drum yang berasal dari Afrika. Nama conga mungkin berasal dari nama itu tanah, yang Congolaise dari Afrika. Namun, yang Conga juga disebut Tumbadora. Conga yang merupakan keturunan yang berbentuk kerucut berbentuk drum dari "Makuta". Conga yang...

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Darbuka Percussion Pro by minang gameDarbuka Percussion Pro

Rated 4.14(7) — minang game

The Darbuka is also known as a doumbek, dumbelek, derbocka and darabukka. This goblet shaped hand drum is mainly used in the Arabic music. Apart from this, Darbuka is also considered to be a popular instrument in the Balkan, Persian and Turkish music...

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Fidget Spinner by minang gameFidget Spinner

Rated 0.00(0) — minang game

Fidget Spinner beginner merupakan permainanyang trending sekrang ini. permainan ini simple dan mudah dimainkan. dan size yang kecil Fidget Spinner beginner is trending sekrang permainanyang this. This game is simple and easy to play.and a small size

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Flute Virtual Real by minang gameFlute Virtual Real

Rated 4.75(4) — minang game

The flute is a family of musical instruments in the woodwind group. Unlike woodwind instruments with reeds, a flute is an aerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the flow of air across an opening. According to the instrument...

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Gendang + Lagu Dangdut by minang gameGendang + Lagu Dangdut

Rated 4.19(320) — minang game

Cover Musik Yang anda sukaidefault lagu nya via vallen- sayang- bojo galak- lali rasane- jaran goyang- tiada guna Cover Musical you preferdefault of his songs via Vallen- Dear- bojo fierce- anaesthetized Rasane- rocking horse- useless

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Gendang + Lagu Rhoma Irama by minang gameGendang + Lagu Rhoma Irama

Rated 4.33(9) — minang game

Aplikasi gendang koplo android dengan lagu rhoma irama- kerinduan- keramat- pujangga- pertemuan Koplo drum android application with the song rhythm- longing- sacred- poet- meeting

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