mikeryoma - Android Applications by mikeryoma
::Shakespeare on Love::William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.He is often called England's...
Free AppThe thrilling story of one of the most inspiring figures in human history— a young prince who sacrificed wealth and power for self-knowledge and enlightenment: Gautama Buddha.
Free App周璇 - 夜上海的柔軟時光周璇,常州人,中国最早的两栖明星。作为一代歌后,她的名字是国语流行歌曲史上一个金字招牌,被誉为“金嗓子”。她最大的优势就是拥有一副名副其实的好歌喉,不仅音色甜美、音质细腻,而且吐字清晰,经过麦克风传将出来更是委婉动人,就是不爱听国语流行歌曲的人,也会对她燕语莺声一般的歌喉留下难忘印象。作为影后,她是典型的感觉派明星,表演生动自然。亦歌亦影、德艺双馨加上曲折凄凉的身世,使得周璇更加深受大众的青睐与关心。這裡收集了周璇八首名曲,以此向永垂不朽的周璇致敬。Zhou...
Free App::莎士比亚 - 关于爱情::莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。留下了大量经典传世名作,和一些经典的名言名句,这里收集了一些莎士比亚关於爱情的绵绵情话,希望爱好莎翁作品的朋友会喜欢。...
Free AppA tribute to the impressive and adorable Françoise Hardy with some of my favorite songs by her, Françoise look stunningly beautiful in a very natural way and listening to her 60's music with my eyes closed, made me dream of Paris on a sunny Sunday...
Free AppThe Short Readings (The Teachings Of Buddha)::Translated by Anandajoti Bhikkhu::Reverence to him, the Gracious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha.A collection of nine short pieces that appears to have been used as handbook for novices. Now forming
Free App世界是人生的迷宫,心灵是人生的灯塔。如果没有敞亮的心灵,如果没有激昂的理想,人就会在世界的迷宫中丢失自我。面对 世界的迷宫,唯一正确的选择就是不要让心灵的明灯熄灭,不要让理想的动力熄火。《守护心灵的灯塔》是一组励志的心灵小书,以优美的音乐短句和智慧语录陪伴你在...
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