michelmohr.me - Android Applications by michelmohr.me
A tiny tactical dungeon crawler.Use your cunning and wit to navigate the tile dungeon.One compass points to the exit, one to the next enemy.You may more adjacent and diagonal, but can only see adjacent. Step next to an enemy and they have the initiative..
Free Game!NO IAP, it just says there are because this is a variant of the free build! Hexjack is a puzzle game inspired by Threes/2048 and Hearthstone.It tries not to just give the player a fun and engaging puzzle but to also create the atmosphere that they are...
$1.80Hexjack is a puzzle game inspired by Threes/2048 and Hearthstone.It tries not to just give the player a fun and engaging puzzle but to also create the atmosphere that they are in a medieval inn. Using an intricate FMOD sound system it plays the custom...
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