MezoSoft - Android Applications by MezoSoft
Let's play around in the street together . Collect rockets on the road and then press fire button to launch a rocket to explode car. Also you need to collect gas or the game will be over. Avoid collisions with other cars. Enjoy!
Free GamePlay the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game (also called Noughts and Crosses) for free online with one or two players.
Free Gameتطبيق يتيح لمشاهدة وصفات الاكل والطبخ والاعمال المنزلية من خلال قنوات وبرامج الطبخ الشهير The application allows to see the recipes, cooking and eating a home business through channels and programs of the famous cooking
Free AppMake this your default ringtone or assign it to a contact?Make this your default notification?Use MezoSoft Mp3 Cutter to edit MP3, WAV, AAC, and AMR audio files and create ringtones, alarms, and notifications from them. copy audio files to your SD card...
Free Appتطبيق متميز لقراءة الخلاصات الاخبارية التى توفرها وكالات الانباء و الصحف المصرية. "اخر الاخبار" تم تصميمه بشكل بسيط و سلس ليسهل مهمة الراغبين...
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