Metatrans Apps - Android Applications by Metatrans Apps
You like board games? Especially designed for kids to have fun and to support sequential learning of chess game.Our hope is that the usage is very easy and pleasant, because the application is inspired by art.Why playing chess?Playing chess game is extrem
Free GameThe more social version of "Chess Art for Kids" game with:* Sign in with Google+* Invite your Friends with Google+* Leaderboards for playing with your Friends and compare the results
Free GameThis game has also a FREE Version, supported by Ads, which could be found on the developers page bellow at the bottom of this page.You like Colors Games?The game illustrates an interesting phenomenon by challenges the link between the visual color and...
$0.96You like Math Exams?Give it a try - especially designed for learning of elementary / common core Math by playing.It covers different areas:* Visual counting (animals, objects, shapes)* Arithmetics (addition subtraction multiplication division)* Equations.
Free GameThe more social version of "Math Art for Kids" game with:* Sign in with Google+* Invite your Friends with Google+* Leaderboards for playing with your Friends and compare the results...
Free GameThis game has also a FREE Version, supported by Ads, which could be found on the developers page bellow at the bottom of this page.What is this?Inspired by love to Mazes/Labyrinths, we created an interactive game for resolving easy to very hard Mazes/Laby
$0.96This game has also a FREE Version, supported by Ads, which could be found on the developers page bellow at the bottom of this page.You like to play board games?Especially designed for kids to have fun and to support sequential learning of chess game...
$0.96You like Colors Exams?Give it a try - the game illustrates an interesting phenomenon by challenges the link between the visual color and the word of the color.There are 2 different playing modes:* Get Meaning, Put Color - Understand the meaning and click.
Free GameThe more social version of "Easy Colors" game with:* Sign in with Google+* Invite your Friends with Google+* Leaderboards for playing with your Friends and compare the results (Google..
Free GameThis game has also a FREE Version, supported by Ads, which could be found on the developers page bellow at the bottom of this page.You like Math and Exams?Especially designed for learning of elementary / common core Math by playing.It covers different...
$0.96What is this?Inspired by love to Mazes/Labyrinths, we created an interactive game for resolving easy to very hard Mazes/Labyrinths, which are each time different.The game uses custom maze generation algorithm for building each time intersting Mazes/Labyri
Free Game