Mersad.H - Android Applications by Mersad.H
BrainGo is the perfect quiz game for having fun and learning new things at the same time! For every answer you have limited time. Your best score will be automatically saved into the Global Highscore.The game BrainGo quiz is a classical multiple-choice...
Free GameThe application is intended for everyday use . Facilitates and encourages the glorification of the Lord s.w.t.Glorification contains tesbih , morning and evening dhikr , and many very useful prayers .Currently, the Bosnian language , the language of...
Free AppMathLine is an arithmetic game.You have Easy, Medium or Hard level. For every answer you have limited time. Each question may be an addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Your best score will automatically be saved into the High Scores. If...
Free AppGlobal Islamic Quiz Made for young and old. Dear brothers and sisters and other friends.We hope that you can learn and have fun with the Application. You are able to see your score and compete with family and friends. We have more than 250 questions...
Free GameIslamQ islamski kviz je riznica znanja općih informacija o islamu koji na lak i zabavan način pomažu da se nauči nešto korisno. Pitanja obuhvataju mnoga polja Islama, koja su jako bitna za svakog muslimana, kao što su mnogi historijski događaji...
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