memorybox - Android Applications by memorybox
Aklotski game taken from the famous story of the Three KingdomsCao Cao in Chibi war Liu Bei and Sun Quan's "desperate measure", "cable even boat" defeated and forced to retreat to flee Aklotski, faced with Zhuge Liang's ambush, Cao Cao, Guan Yu to repay..
Free Game华容道游戏取自著名的三国故事,曹操在赤壁大战中被刘备和孙权的“苦肉计”、“铁索连舟”打败,被迫退逃到华容道,又遇上诸葛亮的伏兵,关羽为了报答曹操对他的恩情,明逼实让,终于帮助曹操逃出了华容道。游戏就是依照“曹瞒兵败走华容,正与关公狭路逢。只为当初恩义重,放开金锁走蛟龙”这一故事情节。...
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