MBDEVS AA published 2 applications on Google Play, 8 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.34!

Bet Assist by MBDEVS AABet Assist

Rated 3.67(6) — MBDEVS AA

Keep track and get ready for your next soccer bet (football bet) with Bet Assist.It lets you keep record of your real bets and make virtual bets separately.Virtual bets make for good practice before and between real bets just treat them as if they were...

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Vpin by MBDEVS AAVpin

Rated 3.00(2) — MBDEVS AA

Vpin lets you pin a virtual note(vpin, max.100 characters) anywhere as long as GPS signal is available.Once you have a vpin at a given spot, you can add more without actually being there.Vpins can be viewed by users who either have vpins or marked a...

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