Marko Malovic

Marko Malovic published 6 applications on Google Play, 457 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.80!

100 Click Challenge by Marko Malovic100 Click Challenge

Rated 3.67(6) — Marko Malovic

Can you be in the top 3 world's fastest clickers? Find out!

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Kviz Opšteg Znanja by Marko MalovicKviz Opšteg Znanja

Rated 4.32(384) — Marko Malovic

Ova aplikacija je namijenjena svima koji hoće da poboljšaju svoje znanje iz različitih segmenata životaVise različitih režima igre.Igrajte sami ili sa prijateljima.Naučite nove stvari na brz i zanimljiv način!Oko 200 pitanja koje će vam omoguciti...

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Snappy numbers (Pa Nepopi) by Marko MalovicSnappy numbers (Pa Nepopi)

Rated 5.00(17) — Marko Malovic

This game contains three mini games: GAME 1: When number appears on the top of the screen you have 3 seconds to type the lower number(number that appeared - 1)GAME 2: This is the number subtraction game, you have 8 seconds to type the correct answer.Game.

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Dota 2 Word Guessing Game by Marko MalovicDota 2 Word Guessing Game

Rated 0.00(0) — Marko Malovic

Check your Dota 2 knowledge in this trilling game!Find all heroes and connect letters to complete their names!

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Roll the Planet 2.0 by Marko MalovicRoll the Planet 2.0

Rated 5.00(14) — Marko Malovic

You are a small planet trying to escape the blazing sun. Try to survive as long as you can and achieve the highest score possible4 new skins available!5 new backgrounds!!Download and enjoy!This is version 2.0 which means that some improvements were done(G

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Псалтир by Marko MalovicПсалтир

Rated 4.81(36) — Marko Malovic

Псалми на српском језику.Превод Ђура Даничић(екавизирана верзија) Psalms jeziku.Prevod the Serbian Đura Daničić (ekavizirana version)

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