
Makecube published 3 applications on Google Play, 7 people rated these apps with an average rating of 1.89!

Arduino RC Car 조종기 by MakecubeArduino RC Car 조종기

Rated 2.00(4) — Makecube

RC카 제작 정보 :블루투스 연결 : REMOTE_CAR (비번:9999)블루투스로 리모콘 신호를 전달합니다.화면에 터치하고 드래그하여 조종합니다.터치 위치에 따라 예약된 신호(1byte)...

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Which Wheel by MakecubeWhich Wheel

Rated 0.00(0) — Makecube

아두이노와 연계한 프로젝트블루투스를 통한 연결신호 수신에 의한 팝업 노티 Arduino projects in conjunction with theConnecting via BluetoothPop-phenothiazine by a signal received

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My Plank by MakecubeMy Plank

Rated 3.67(3) — Makecube

Summer is coming!A PLANK exercise, you can easily train the core of the body in a short period of time.You can get a nice muscular body and diet.1. Provide a stopwatch.2. You can set exercise time.3. You can record the exercises.4. Shows the total cumulat

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