Mahavir Tirkey

Mahavir Tirkey published 2 applications on Google Play, 22 people rated these apps with an average rating of 2.25!

Indian States Facts by Mahavir TirkeyIndian States Facts

Rated 4.50(22) — Mahavir Tirkey

This application is not only for getting the facts about indian states, but it will also allow one to figure out the ranking in GDP, Area, Population, literacy etc. This will also let to know that the number of districts of each states with interactive...

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Mapped Freinds by Mahavir TirkeyMapped Freinds

Rated 0.00(0) — Mahavir Tirkey

With “Mapped Friends” one can easily track and tag the friends/ places in google map without creating the google id. This will provide an interface to easily tag the important places and friends into the map locally into the smartphone with photographs...
