
M-Studio published 2 applications on Google Play, 31 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.19!

Sapori Mediterranei by M-StudioSapori Mediterranei

Rated 4.75(4) — M-Studio

Applicazione ufficiale gratuita del sito web Sapori Mediterranei di Franco MarinoCon questa semplice applicazione, potrete essere sempre aggiornati sui contenuti del sito web saporimediterranei.info, sito web di cucina dello Chef Franco Marino.

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Sweets Top Models by M-StudioSweets Top Models

Rated 3.63(27) — M-Studio

The Sweets are ready for the show. Choose from the most beautiful models, with dozens of clothes, shoes, skirts, pants and accessories to wear. Accompany them on the catwalk and then shoot some great photos to be stored in the gallery of your phone /...

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