LuOb Development

LuOb Development published 2 applications on Google Play, 1,077 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.76!

CPU Prime Benchmark by LuOb DevelopmentCPU Prime Benchmark

Rated 3.91(928) — LuOb Development

CPU Prime Benchmark is a benchmark-tool to compare the speed of your device with others. It uses single and multitasking-algorithms to test your CPU and memory.Features:Benchmark your CPU and RAMCompair your device online with othersStresstest: heat...

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Spin the Bottle HD by LuOb DevelopmentSpin the Bottle HD

Rated 3.62(149) — LuOb Development

Most realistic 'Spin the Bottle'-AppIdeal toTruth or DareMake a quick decisionTo disable the ads:A single click on an ad will remove the banner until the next start. Rules:All Players sit in a circle and a bottle is placed in the center.One after one...

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