Look - Android Applications by Look
"When you seeking a way back to Universe, Universe give you knowledge in your way" Lost Stars - Message from your birthday Planetary movements influence the moments in Time. Since you are part of the universe, your moment of birth recorded on the celestia
Free AppLost Stars 是一個結合古老智慧,配合現今科技的一個劃時代項目。占星學由古代流傳至今,已經演變成為了家傳户曉、深入民心的12星座。而大家一直跟據出生的月份和日子而去界定的星座其實是太陽星座,再跟據你的星座去描述你的性格和運程,相信大家都不會覺得陌生。而太陽星座只是占星學的其中一個部份,其實太陽系每顆行星都有其星座和解說,繼而還有宮位和相位等等。而Lost...
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