Linking Digital Limited - Android Applications by Linking Digital Limited
Remote control exclusively designed for Maestro karaoke player by Magic StarMagic Solutions ElectronicsDubai, UAEP. O. Box 126694
Free AppCustomise and control your Moment Wireless Karaoke Soundbar. Adjust treble, bass, echo or volume levels. A full spectrum visual equaliser lets you determine how your Moment sounds.- Switch between the 4 preset EQ modes- Gain access to the controls for...
Free App每次單手自拍,照片總是不對稱;一群人看鏡頭,總是有人會搞不清楚定時拍照秒數,拍到各種怪臉照;總是嫌棄前置鏡頭畫素過低,但是使用後置鏡頭又搞不清快門在哪裡。別擔心,Magic Ball...
Free App Poor ratingWith the VEO Navigator App, you can now navigate around VEOLO 4K's Android ecosystem as you would on a smartphone or tablet. Interact with your Android device's touch screen and the command will be sent over to VEOLO 4K. Type text or passwords easily...
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