letgfly - Android Applications by letgfly
Easy training reaction time to block enemy's attack for for honor3 Level to training with different reaction times.Have Unlimited mod to training. End game when you press END button用來練習格擋反應時間的小遊戲 使你玩榮耀戰魂時 反應更靈敏!LV1:適合新手LV2:適合普通玩家LV3:高手專用左上角可以開啟無限模式...
Free Game每位玩家輪流喊一個數字 把喊到的數字標記起來連成五條線的玩家 看誰先喊出賓果 誰就獲得勝利! Each player in turn call a number to mark up digital criedEven into five lines of players to see who could shout bingo will come to win!
Free Game最適合陪同小朋友一起學習數字的教育APP The most suitable for accompanied children with learning digital education APP
Free Game使用拉霸(-1金幣)可透過上下按鈕改變花色 (-1金幣)解鎖成就(+1金幣)每完成10個成就(+5最大金幣上限)完成所有成就 即可通關! Use of slot (-1 gold)May change color (-1 coins) through the down buttonUnlock achievements...
Free Game生活中常常有許多事情無法做決定這時候您為什麼不問問神奇海螺呢?規則:海螺只能回答是非題正確問法:(O)請問我等一下可以大便嗎?請問我考試可以作弊嗎?請問我媽媽是我親生的嗎?錯誤問法:(X)請問對於金融海嘯您有甚麼看法?我的人生接下來該如何走下去?如果小狗跟人跑了...
Free Game當朋友回答問題時 就可以恭喜你答...不論是答對還是答錯 只要能說得出口的 都是好回答! When the friend can answer questions congratulate you answer ...Either answer or wrong answer as long as it can it is a good answer!
Free Game每個玩家輪流說出題目的答案後傳給下一位玩家看炸彈在誰手中爆炸誰就輸了!!詞語接龍類的例如 猴子 -> 子孫 ->孫悟空玩家出題則是由一位玩家自訂題目大聲講出來後就開始遊戲 Passed to the...
Free Game三五好友一起猜 猜中的人要做一樣懲罰 Guess a few friends together to guess people to do the same punishment
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