
LazyLad published 3 applications on Google Play, 1,158 people rated these apps with an average rating of 4.39!

LazyCoupons by LazyLadLazyCoupons

Rated 4.40(10) — LazyLad

Its in your neighbourhood and we have got it covered. Introducing your brand new neighbourhood companion, the Lazy Coupons apps. Discover deals from your nearby spas, gyms, bakery and gaming stores right at the touch of a button.

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LazyLad: Neighborhood Shopping by LazyLadLazyLad: Neighborhood Shopping

Rated 3.94(930) — LazyLad

Introducing Lazy Lad, your very own personal neighbourhood shopping assistant. Now shop from your trusted local stores with the convenience of your mobile without the need to visit them. There is no need to wait for 2 days to get your items delivered...

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LazyLad Seller by LazyLadLazyLad Seller

Rated 4.83(218) — LazyLad

Want to shop instead? Download LazyLad Customer App .Register as a Lazy Service Provider and start selling from your store on mobile.

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