Lazy Limited

Lazy Limited published 2 applications on Google Play, 64 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.80!

Lazy - 家務助理, 鐘點, 維修, 寵物保姆 by Lazy LimitedLazy - 家務助理, 鐘點, 維修, 寵物保姆

Rated 3.34(41) — Lazy Limited

Home Cleaning, On-Site Massage, Home Maintenance, Cooking, Caretaking Service, Pest Control, Pet Care ServiceLazy is a personal assistant fully dedicated to you.Worrying about home cleaning, home maintenance, cooking, caretaking service, pest control...

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接單版 by Lazy Limited接單版

Rated 4.26(23) — Lazy Limited

下載Lazy家務助理版,搵錢冇難度!時薪高達120元彈性時間表 - 完全自雇體驗,自由控制工作時間!絕對安全 - 我們提供勞工保險予雇主購買高評分家務助理可獲更多獎金!Download the app "Lazy家務助理版...

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