
kopperfeld published 3 applications on Google Play, 562 people rated these apps with an average rating of 3.45!

Basic3Demo by kopperfeldBasic3Demo

Rated 3.55(11) — kopperfeld

A play-around demo for a simple, lightweight 3d-draw program. It does not much more than display objects made of flat colored faces. Things are arranged central to form a small surface so you can better zoom around that area. If the framerate is slightly.

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Toy Cars GT Demo by kopperfeldToy Cars GT Demo

Rated 3.72(529) — kopperfeld

This is the Android Demo to the Unity-Asset: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/34404Try the web version and read the User Guide for a detailed description: http://www.scheike.com/pro2.htmlNews of 1.1.4:> Start Menu> Load and Save Game...

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MyArea Flight Controller by kopperfeldMyArea Flight Controller

Rated 3.09(22) — kopperfeld

MyArea FC is a fully playable flight-game prototype, meant as a starterkit for ongoing Unity developers.The graphics are kept simple (extremely lowpoly), so that beginners can better understand the actual programming - rather than getting distracted...

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